Shareworks 409A Valuation Services
See Shareworks 409A valuation services to get your simple 409A private company valuation for safe harbor. With expertise in IRC 409A compliance.
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The 409A valuation leaders.
Manage compliance with IRC 409A valuation requirements. Our experience and knowledge with innovative companies result in value conclusions you can trust.
What’s your company’s equity worth?
With more than 60 years of combined experience in 409A valuations, Shareworks Valuation Services provides professional and audit-ready valuations for companies at every stage of growth. Whether your company needs an updated 409A valuation on its annual schedule, after a material event or after a financial development, our dedicated valuations team are here to help.
409A valuations from the leaders.
Manage safe harbor requirements with transparent, audit-ready 409A valuations.
A higher level of service.
We take the time to understand your business and provide a dedicated team that will grow with you. We put our certifications and Big 4 training to work for you, providing a robust defense when your auditor calls.
Knowledge that’s battle-tested.
Our clients are creating innovative solutions for an increasingly complex world: AI/ML, big data, Fintech, CAR T-cell therapy. We have the right domain knowledge to understand and interpret those industry-relevant factors.
Through the IPO.
Your 409A doesn’t just exist in a silo. It shows up in secondary transactions, tax considerations, audit reviews and, of course, in SEC reviews during the pre-IPO phase. So it’s got to be right.
Benefit from our team’s decades of experience. Our extensive experience and domain knowledge covers the technology and life science sectors and we’ve cultivated deep relationships within the audit community. Our qualified team is here to support you through all stages of your company’s development from startup to IPO.
It’s what we know.
And what we love. We’re here to contribute to your success.
Know Your Worth
Updating your valuation is a key step in the growth of private companies. With these resources, you can learn how to maintain 409A compliance while also positioning your company for growth.
Let’s Get Started.
Request a 409A valuation now and begin to see how our team and software can help your company.
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See Shareworks 409A valuation services to get your simple 409A private company valuation for safe harbor. With expertise in IRC 409A compliance.
Shareworks 409A Valuation Services
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