Easy-to-Use Design and Layout of the

FHA, and VA Forms, Lender/Client Specific
Forms, and AMC Specific Forms, USPAP
Addenda, Map, Sketch, and Photo Addenda,
Text/Image Addenda, and more.

Subject and Comparables are Mapped and
Labeled Along with the Straight Line Distances
and Postal Equivalent Addresses. Also
includes Aerial and Topographical
Auto-Mapping. Maps Sales, Listings, and
Rentals on One Map or Separate Maps.

Census Tract, Census Block, and Census
Block Group, Directly From the Source, and
the Most Accurate and Reliable.

(Licensed Separately)

/FHA / FHA EAD / VA Compliant

Checks Required Fields to Prevent UCDP and
FHA EAD Hard Stops, Warnings, and Fatal
Errors. Finds Errors and Helps you make the
right corrections.

to check Subject and Comparable properties
for prior use and inconsistencies in every
report. It also allows you to select and re-use
any prior Subject or Comparable property by
inserting it into your new report along with the
corresponding photo.

MISMO 2.6 GSE and non-GSE XML –
100% Fannie Mae /Freddie Mac / FHA /
FHA EAD / VA Compliant



Used by Certain Major AMCs to process PDF,
and XML reports.
Digital Signature Security using RSA
Encryption Technology per the new FHA EAD
Specifications that can be used right now for any
XML report 100% Compatible to Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista
and XP, operating on any Desktop, Laptop,
or Tablet. Easily go paperless in the field. Rock Solid Programming – No Glitches, No Bugs,
No Lockups, and No Crashes AMC and Lender Compliant
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Expert and Prompt Technical Assistance 7 Days
a Week
Operates on any single monitor, or multiple
monitors, touch screen or non-touch screen. A
24″ pivot monitor is shown below, rotated 90
degrees to display the entire form.
HomePuter® DMS v2.4 is a Database, Analysis, and Reporting System, for Sales and Listings, that uses Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis to Determine the Significant Variables, i.e., Location, Quality, Condition, GLA, etc., that Affect Market Value, and Determine the Adjustments (what Fannie Mae calls Market Derived Adjustments) for those Variables, Producing Accurate Sales Comparison Reports for Subject Properties with an Analysis that Supports the Adjustments.
Developed over 40 years and now in its second version, HomePuter® DMS v2.4 is loaded with features, and built on decades of hard core professional appraisal and programming experience. As far back as 1980, HomePuter® DMS has been used professionally for appraisals in connection with Lenders, VA, FHA, Bankruptcy, Estates, Tax Appeals, Expert Testimony, Land Taking by the State, Measuring the Effects of Highway and Power Line Condemnations, Town Wide Reappraisal (mass appraisal), Speculation, and Private Individuals, for Residential, Condominium, Waterfront, Vacation, Small Residential Income, Commercial, Industrial, Farms, and Land.
For Appraising: Residential, Condominium, Waterfront, Commercial, Industrial, Farm, and Land, in Urban, Suburban, and Rural locations
The Best and Most Professional Real Estate Market Valuation Software
Imports Comparable Sales or Listings Data from MLS or any other Data Source.
Imported Data can be changed for accuracy and completeness, i.e., fully interactive.
Uses Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis to analyze the data and determine the Significant Variables and Adjustments.
Analyzes up to 31 Variables in One Analysis: Time, Location, Land Size and Topography and Shape, Frontage, View, Design, Quality, Age, Condition, Rooms, Bedrooms, Baths, GLA, Basement %, Finished Basement, Functional Utility, Heating/Cooling, Garage(s)/Carport, Pool(s), Porch(es) / Patio(s) / Deck(s), Energy Efficient Items, Other Building(s), Fireplace(s), Units, Financing, Concessions, Days on Market, End Unit, Corner Location, Floor Location, HOA Mo. Assessment, and Common Elements.

All Adjustments are Market Derived and Made by the Analysis and the Analysis supports the Adjustments.
Minimizes Fannie Mae CU feedback by supporting adjustments with the most comparable, accurate, and consistent market data and analysis.
Fannie Mae Guidelines require Sales Comparison adjustments to be “Market Derived,” including the adjustments for Sales and Financing Concessions. Omitting pertinent variables, i.e., not analyzing all variables that can affect market value, can result in adjustments that are not dependable.
Generates Sales or Listing Comparison Reports to Printer, PDF, or HomePuter® FPS
Operates as stand-alone software, or as add-on software to the HomePuter® FPS software.
High Degree of Accuracy – Exceeds Any Standards or Guidelines
For All Types of Real Estate including land, in Urban, Suburban, & Rural Locations
Expert and Prompt Technical Assistance, Advice, and Guidance is 7 days a Week. This is the regression based system that is worth learning and using for your entire professional career.
100% Windows Based and 100% Compatible to Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP.
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Welcome to www.homeputer.com. HomePuter® is an independently owned and operated company with decades of appraisal and programming experience, specializing in designing and selling Windows based Real Estate Appraisal Software. This Web site was designed by HomePuter®. It provides information and on-line ordering for our latest Report Processing Software, HomePuter® FPS 9.3, and our latest Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis based Decision Making Software, HomePuter® DMS 2.4.
Software Package 1: The HomePuter® FPS 9.3 includes software for the latest appraisal forms and addenda, building sketch processor, importing and labeling maps or documents, digital photo addenda, signature scan, Compliance Checker, UAD (Uniform Appraisal Dataset) Interface, Fannie Mae/FreddieMac /FHA / VA MISMO 2.6 GSE and non-GSE XML delivery, AI Ready(AppraisalPort® and ENV delivery), Xome Plug-In Delivery, HotSPOT and Sky Delivery Certified, and Adobe Acrobat PDF Compatible, all for one low price – $249.
Software Package 2: HomePuter® has been programming Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis based Real Estate Appraisal Software for over 40 years and is an expert in this field. The HomePuter® DMS 2.4 includes software for Real Estate Market Valuation by Sales Comparison Approach to value, for individual (professional appraisers) or mass appraisal (assessors), all for one low price – $199.
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